Ask A Radio Person About Their Listeners
A lot of my friends exist outside of the radio world and their questions about what it’s like on the ‘inside’ are fascinating. Most...
Was That A Protest...Or A Peace Rally?
Since the election of president-elect Donald Trump, the United States seems to be going through...a lot. Liberal media boasting that...
An Open Letter To My Birth Daughter And The Man Who Judged That Relationship
Last night, I met a man for dinner. This was not our first evening together laughing, joking, telling stories, and eating toys we thought...
Apartment Hunting In Los Angeles Is The Worst Thing Ever.
May has been an incredible month for me! It has been the highest grossing month in terms of voice over work. Hash tag Humble brag. But,...
My First Week: Thank you to my work angel Mark Wallengren
My first week on the job has been humbling and so very very exciting! The first thing I tell my friends and family that call for updates...
Snap Chat: Creating Urgency and Communicating in Real Time with Radio Listeners
Radio sounds like such an old medium in today’s technologically advanced world. Seriously, when you Google “radio” the images that come...